What do we mean with more
nutritional and sustainable?

Better nutrition

  • Enriching food with fiber, protein, vegetables, etc.
  • Reducing the levels of sodium, fat, sugar, calories, etc.
  • Developing organic, naturally sourced and allergen-controlled food

More plant-based options

  • Enriching food with fiber, protein, vegetables, etc.
  • Reducing the levels of sodium, fat, sugar, calories, etc.
  • Developing organic, naturally sourced and allergen-controlled food

Less food waste

  • Upcycling by-products that would otherwise result in food waste
  • Optimizing processes and recipes to improve shelf life
  • Focusing on high-tolerance food solutions

Progress and highlights

Hybrid minced meat balls


of our sales came from more nutritional and sustainable alternatives for customers in 2023.

Hybrid pork ham 03

Accelerating our innovations

With our innovation and R&D capabilities, we are committed to answering the renewed call for good nutrition with better-for-you and better-for-the-planet food solutions that don’t compromise on taste and food experience.


Offering sauce ranges with reduced sodium, fat and sugar

meat - pastrami 2

Developing more natural solutions for the meat industry

Vegetable snacks - Spinach carrot Zaatar 1

Developing coatings that promote vegetable-based diets

“We want to be the partner of choice in developing more nutritional and sustainable food solutions, offering superior sensory experiences.”

Christophe Gyselinck - Group Sourcing, Technology and Innovation Director

A question about our innovation approach?


Innovations & solutions - packaging

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